About Shulamit Elson

Shulamit’s transformational healing gifts are rooted in the ancient teachings of “Etz Chaim,” the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
The wisdom teachers of old understood that everything in the universe is fundamentally vibration; this insight is now being explored by modern scientists through Superstring Theory.
Shulamit discovered that we, as human beings, can connect to a universal vibration through the vocal sounds we create with our own unique voices. When vocalized with intention, these sounds bring profound healing insights and support us on our journey to expanded consciousness.
Her own journey began with a sense of yearning and dissatisfaction early in life. Shulamit was always searching for something she couldn’t name or even be sure existed. This search intensified during her early twenties, following a struggle with kidney disease, from which she was not expected to recover. The illness and the uncertainty it brought ignited an intense desire to find joy and purpose in what promised to be a shortened life.
Raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, Shulamit left ritual practice early but is grateful for her 12 years of study in scripture. She earned a master’s degree from New York University and held management positions at Sandoz and Hill & Knowlton, as well as consulting for Ford Motor Company.
At age 40, while working at Asset Growth Partners, a Wall Street investment bank, Shulamit began receiving specific vocal sounds during a series of meditations. Although she didn’t fully understand their purpose, she sensed their profound power. Neither her secular nor religious education had prepared her for this experience. The sounds defied logic and dogma, yet she felt compelled to practice them.
For a long time, Shulamit had struggled to care about the challenges and rewards of business life. However, after receiving this gift in her voice, she took a leap of faith, leaving her corporate career to explore the “why” and “how” of the vocal sounds. Occasionally, she questioned the sanity of leaving a prestigious, well-paying job for the unknown.
As Shulamit deepened her practice, the sounds began to reveal their secrets, yet she still felt the need for further guidance, which was difficult to find. Ultimately, during a visit to Jerusalem, she was introduced to the works of the brilliant 13th-century mystic Joseph Gikatilla. His book, “Sefer HaNikud” (The Book of the Vowel Points), outlined a system of vocal sounds correlated to the energy centers of the Tree of Life.
Based on Gikatilla’s teachings, Shulamit created the MediSounds® system, enabling her clients to follow a “vocal ladder” to higher consciousness. This practice illuminates a path to transcendence, using one’s own voice to enter a deep meditative state and connect with the vibratory core of the universe.
In addition to working with private clients, Shulamit has presented MediSounds® at venues worldwide, including in England, Spain, India, Singapore, and the Holy Land, as well as in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol and at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. She has also shared MediSounds® at the Omega and Esalen learning centers and with parents of children with cancer at New York’s Ronald McDonald House, as well as with AIDS patients in Mexico City.
Through her company MediSounds®, she developed apps to help people sleep. Through her SoulSongs® School, she works with students seeking a more joyful life or needing assistance in reducing anxiety and overcoming negative forces. Through her non-profit, The Great Octave Foundation, she teaches MediSounds® to the general public. You can hear and see her at http://youtube.com/@medisounds.
For the past 30 years, Shulamit has worked with MediSounds®, which have transformed her life and consciousness, guiding her from struggle and confusion to simplicity, authenticity, greater joy, and purpose—even helping her through periods of profound loss, including the death of her daughter.
Through her study of ancient mysteries and her personal practice, Shulamit has discovered that the human voice holds great power, not only for sharing thoughts or expressing love but also for activating our deepest consciousness.
Those she works with have achieved great joy and fulfillment in their personal lives, relationships, and expanded awareness.