A Personal Invitation from Shulamit Elson
I invite you to join me for a 5-part live interactive webinar to learn how to use the SoundPrayer ® Process and the power of your own voice, to illuminate a self-guided pathway to inner wisdom.
Based on ancient teachings, SoundPrayer brings peace of mind, cultivates self-awareness and increases clarity in decision-making. It creates calm and a sense of connection, elevating consciousness and awakening the transformational truths that are hidden in each of us. All without having to retreat from life or follow a guru.
SoundPrayer opens the door to your own inner vision – informing every facet of your life…improving relationships, reducing stress, and bringing profound comfort.
The Sound Prayer 5 Session Live Interactive Webinar Starts April 7, 2013
- The webinar will be a highly interactive virtual classroom.
- Enrollment is limited to 10 students to ensure a personal and effective learning environment.
- Participants will be able to interact with me, and one another.
- A private space will be created for students who wish to communicate with one another during and after the course.
Class Schedule: April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28, May 5th, 2013. Each session will begin at 12:00 Noon, Eastern Standard Time and last approximately 1 hour.
Recording of Sessions: The sessions will be recorded and will be available to you, upon request, for 2 weeks after the initial sessions at no cost.
Teacher: Shulamit Elson, M.A., creator of SoundPrayer and Medisounds® is the director of the SoulSongs School and The Great Octave Foundation. She teaches SoundPrayer to seekers worldwide in group webinars and private sessions. She has also worked with US war veterans, parents of children with cancer at the NY Ronald McDonald House, and to various groups seeking peace and reconciliation. She is author of the critically acclaimed Kabbalah of Prayer – Sacred Sounds and the Soul’s Journey, and CDs Beyond Words Sacred Sounds of the Tree of Life, and Vibration, in collaboration with the Drepung Gomang Monks, and MediSounds ~ The Path to Wholeness. Formerly a Wall Street executive, she is now a revered spiritual teacher, who has travelled the world, sharing knowledge on how to experience an abundant reality, thereby bringing inner peace, joy and an awakened consciousness.
Invest in Yourself: The investment for this program is $495. 10% of the net proceeds will be donated to The Great Octave Foundation |
Questions: If you have any questions, please contact Shulamit.
“If we can agree that everything in the world is vibrating at its core level, then you will understand that the sound resonance Shulamit interprets sheds a light on things you already know that reside deep down inside of you. Her guidance points us to a pathway forward to a clearer recognition of who we are and what we can achieve. Confronting a challenging business situation, the work with Shulamit and SoundPrayer produced clarity and peace of mind, integral to my finding successful solutions.”
~ Ron Andruff, entrepreneur, professional hockey player (retired), New York City
“In what has been a fairly short space of time, I have found the combination of Sound Prayer, Soulsongs and self-observation to have been a powerful combination for taking me rapidly out of my rather stuck state of self-pity and allowing me to see the way forward to being a human being in better balance and able to fulfill my life’s purpose with more clarity, with a sense of joy and excitement once again.”
Richard, Acupuncturist, England